Regular Verb List

Business woman with Regular Verbs examples

A regular verb is conjugated in a traditional form. For example, "bake" is a regular verb because the past tense is "baked" and the future tense is "will bake." However, a word such as "write" is an irregular verb, because the past tense form is not "writed," but is rather "wrote." You may be surprised to see how many regular verbs appear in the English language, many of which are in the sample list below.

Printable Regular Verb List

The image below links to a multi-page PDF document you can download for further study and review. It offers a sizable list of regular verbs in the English language, showing the corresponding present tense, the past tense and the future tense forms of the verb.

Regular verbs list

Regular verbs list

List of Regular Verbs in Sentences

Gain a better understanding of regular verbs and how they function in English with sentences in different tenses. As long as you follow the rules for conjugation, it’s easy to change the tense of these verbs.

Use of Regular Verbs

If you are trying to determine whether or not a verb is regular, you can refer to the above regular verb list. However, there are thousands of verbs in the English language. For more information, check out: