Our software ecosystems grow more complex every year. With new frameworks, dependencies, and technologies to help automate or simplify every step of the development life cycle, keeping track of requirements that provide reliability and security can become difficult. And that’s why production readiness reviews and checklists help eliminate cognitive load. They let you focus more on features or potential failure points.
So how can you get your team or organization started with production readiness? Read on to learn more. And then see a sample checklist that provides a great start for your teams.
First, let’s discuss the benefits of production readiness. Then, we’ll look at opportunities for rolling out production readiness in your organization. Spoiler: all applications can benefit from incorporating production readiness, even those that are already in production!
So let’s get started.
Production readiness checklists aren’t just another task on the to-do list. These reviews can tell us how well service teams are ready for production launch.
Production readiness is an investment. It’s not free, but by far the biggest return is improved customer experience. If your app is down, slow, or hacked, you will quickly lose revenue and customer trust. If your service doesn’t have the right resiliency, security, or observability to support customers, then you’ll want to know sooner rather than later.
Production readiness checklists can reduce the cognitive load of having to remember all the different vulnerability and failure points we need to consider in our complex landscape.
Production readiness reviews also offer an opportunity for teams to take advantage of automation or tooling that simplifies the process while improving quality. Requiring automated testing or code scans streamlines code reviews and removes manual testing.
Also, as mentioned in the intro, production readiness checklists can reduce the cognitive load of having to remember all the different vulnerability and failure points we need to consider in our complex landscape.
When first rolling out production readiness concepts, consider what teams or products may benefit the most.
For example, with services that haven’t launched in production, you can introduce a review prior to launch. However, make sure to leave time for the team to incorporate necessary changes or documentation in order to complete the mandatory items on the list.
For an application that’s just starting up, begin early and build in a production readiness mindset from day one. While the team builds out their services, they can refer to the production readiness checklist to see if there are design or tool considerations that they can incorporate. Even better is automating parts of how new services are created so they automatically adhere to the production readiness checklist.
Another opportunity for rolling out a production readiness process involves incidents. If there’s a service that struggles with incidents or security vulnerabilities, production readiness can help get them back on track quickly, providing guidelines and time to implement changes that will benefit the service.
For existing services in production and with few incidents, the process can roll out gradually. The team will assess and complete the checklist over time. As another opportunity for existing apps, consider upcoming marketing launches or a known surge in demand, like Black Friday sales. Here, you’ve found another opportunity to introduce the concept to your teams.
Once you’ve exploited those opportunities, you can then move to make production readiness a continuous process. You can monitor your checklist continually to ensure you’re improving—or at least not degrading—your production readiness.
Next, let’s look at what a production readiness checklist contains.
Depending on your application needs, you may have different requirements for production readiness, just like you have different needs for service-level objectives (SLOs). So, for a small internal service that’s not mission-critical, you don’t need the same level of operational readiness as for a customer-facing application that pays the bills.
Finally, we get to see a sample checklist that you can use with your services.
As with anything software-related, consider what your customers and your systems require. You may have different production readiness needs based on your application tier. Having said that, this provides a great start for you. We split it into different categories, and you can further break down some tasks into fine-grained items if needed.
Ready to get hands-on right away? Check out OpsLevel’s take on production readiness–the Service Maturity Framework–here.
As your organization learns more about its applications and your tech stack’s specific needs, you’ll want to revise the checklist. Perhaps you need additional checks specific to either front- or back-end applications. Or additional items specific to your deployment pipeline. On the other hand, you may also find opportunities to remove checklist items that don’t add value. As with code, you should iterate and revise the checklist to ensure that it meets your company’s changing needs.
As your organization learns more about its applications and your tech stack’s specific needs, you’ll want to revise the checklist.
For the last section, let’s cover where you’ll want to store or update your production readiness checklist.
Some companies will include the checklist inside the GitHub repo of each repository as a markdown (.md) file. This is a quick and easy way of keeping the checklist close to the code, making it easy to update. However, depending on who has access to the repository or GitHub itself, it may not be easily accessible.
Alternatively, some companies rely on tools like Excel to track production readiness. This may be accessible to all but becomes difficult to audit updates and track changes. And it runs the risk of someone deleting things accidentally. Hey, it happens.
Another alternative includes tools designed with production readiness in mind, like OpsLevel. With OpsLevel checks, you can design your checklist right into your service catalog. It’s visible to everyone and can be updated easily. Also, it lives right next to other service info like runbooks, monitoring and logging tools, and SLI/SLO information.
No matter where your checklist resides or what you include, consider making production readiness reviews part of your company norms and processes.
And while you’re here, request a demo to see if OpsLevel can help with your production readiness and service ownership needs.